domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012

Post #13: Movies

Everyone seems to love movies for some reason. I just don't get it. I have never been a big fan of movies. Sitting in front of a screen for 2-3 hours just doesn’t appeal to me. The only way I would sit down and watch a movie is if I have read about it or watched a trailer and find it truly interesting. Sometimes even when I want to see it, if the movie is too long I start to get anxious. I get the urge to get up and move around. I don't understand how some people can watch two, three, and even four movies in a row! I could never do that! I can barely sit through one. I need to have some type of physical activity. That’s why I rarely watch TV…it gets boring after a while. I don't know why I can't sit still through a movie. Every time I’m invited to a “Movie Night” the only reason I go is to see my friends. It really just depends on the mood I’m in. Sometimes I feel like watching a movie, and sometimes I don’t (which is most of the time). My boyfriend is the exact opposite. He is obsessed with movies! He often shows me trailers of the upcoming movies, or old ones I haven’t seen yet. Every time he asks me if I want to see a movie, I feel bad because my answer is always the same. It’s really weird, because I feel everyone else loves watching movies, and I’m the only weird one that doesn’t like it that much. Well, that's me...apparently I was born to be the “different” one.

1 comentario:

  1. Movies rule! The i love the movies. Maybe its more of a guy thing, since now a days the movies are more guyish ... :s
