jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012

Post #11: Balance it Out

I am the queen of procrastination. I will get distracted with anything and everything that crosses my path. Sometimes I think I may have ADD or something. It’s just so hard to get started on my work. I always get my work done, but there comes a point during the week when I just don’t feel like doing anything. Everyone gets that feeling sometimes, right? Well, one of those days is today. I’m so tired I just want to sleep for like 3 days. And I won’t lie; it took me like 5 hours to start this post.

Putting that aside, today I encountered something that made me realize how ridiculously worried most people my age are about their future. This obsession to have the perfect grades and a thousand extracurricular activities is just going too far. One of my closest friends got upset about a certain grade today. She said that her parents would yell at her for not getting the highest grade. That’s ridiculous! She’s in like 12,000 clubs, plus she has a very serious condition which obviously affects her. I understand that having good grades is important, but it’s also exhausting. The fact that she didn’t get the best grade on that test doesn’t mean that she’s a bad student! She has so many things on her shoulders that she finds herself going to bed at 2 am almost every day. It’s not only bad for her health, but it affects her mood, and how she feels…which to me, is much more important than any insignificant grade. It annoys me to know that she puts herself through constant stress just to meet the expectations of her parents and teachers. We are kids God nabbit! Let us live free, let us be kids, and leave the stress for when were adults! It’s all about balance…what’s the most important thing in your life? Put that first, the rest is secondary...and never dare to change the order.

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