jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Post #4: The Martian

People around you should just have nothing to say. Dealing with judgements and comments every day is not an easy thing to do. No matter how many times I ignore them, and repeat "Its just envy, be the bigger person" in my head--which is the classic line for situations like these--when you get to the millionth time you just don't believe it anymore. People really just can't keep it to themselves. It has happened to all of us at one point, but after three years of constant abuse, I just can't take it. 

I consider myself to be quite different from my other classmates, and even my friends. Most of my interests are ones that most girls wouldn't find amusing, such as riding my longboard, playing video games, hacking phones, and most of all, my music interests. Most people I know have told me that they would never have thought I listened to rap and techno rather than any other thing. I am extremely open-minded and non-judgemental, and I can't stand people who are. I'm different, and that's what I like the most about myself. I have made my mistakes throughout the years, but who hasn't? Forgiveness does not exist between my classmates. Only anger and revenge. I shouldn't have to put up with the constant psychological aggression I have been receiving from some of my classmates for the last three years. Hell, they don't care if it affects me or not. I've confronted some of my classmates, and none of them have had the decency of asking for forgiveness. I don't like to call it bullying, because I feel it makes me sound like a victim--even though in this case I am-- I don't like it. I've asked to change schools, but my parents said I should stay and be tortured until I kill someone. Well, that might not have been their exact words, but that's how it felt. They said I should stay and show them it doesn't affect me, and not run away from my problems. Even though I don't agree, I had no other choice. I'm still dealing with this problem, and I believe It has made me who I am. This is reality, and I can't change it...I just hope I never reach my breaking point.

4 comentarios:

  1. Is hard to accept you were wrong when you judge someone, specially if you are not a mature person. I like your posts! Don't stop writing!

    P.D. hacking phones? You shouldn't do that! JK! =)

  2. That's true...
    I won't!
    Hahaha My dad says I'm gonna go to jail for doing that.

  3. Don't live your life as other people want you to. You are an individual and nobody has the right to judge you. You are a wonderful young woman who will achieve great things in life!
